Name: | PF5190 |
Type: | snp |
Source: | point |
Position: | chrY:15761276..15761276 (+ strand) |
Length: | 1 |
allele_anc: | G |
allele_der: | A |
comment: | Extracted from genome study of Sardinian samples |
count_derived: | 0 |
count_tested: | 3 |
isogg_haplogroup: | not listed |
load_id: | Check if PF5190 is available at YSEQ |
mutation: | G to A |
primer_f: | Z21257_F |
primer_r: | Z21257_R |
ref: | Paolo Francalacci (2011) |
ycc_haplogroup: | Approx. hg: J |
yfull_node: | J-PF5172 |
primary_id: | 197500 |
gbrowse_dbid: | chrY:database |
>PF5190 class=Sequence position=chrY:15761276..15761276 (+ strand) G